Portfolio Page

The Portfolio page is essentially your central hub for managing and monitoring your positions. It offers valuable insights into your deployed funds through the following:

  • Performance tracker: It provides an at-a-glance overview of your current portfolio performance, including key metrics such as outstanding principal, interest received, and loan status.

  • Customization: Tailor your dashboard view to focus on specific holdings by using filters and downloading data for further analysis.

  • Transparency: Gain a clear, transparent view of the loans in your portfolio, with detailed information about lenders, interest rates, and buy dates.

By leveraging these features, you can effectively use the FU Capital User Portfolio page to monitor your deployed balances, make informed decisions, and track your overall portfolio performance.

Portfolio Sections

The Portfolio page is divided into several sections, each providing information about your deployed funds. Here's a breakdown of the main features.

Show Charts

The "Show Charts" feature provides visual insights into your portfolio's health and performance. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Deployed Funds: Displays the total amount of capital you have contributed.

  • Claims: Tracks the number of individual buys you have made. Each transaction is counted separately, so if you fund a particular loan five times, it will be recorded as five positions. The minimum buy amount is 10 tokens.

  • Total Interest Received: Displays the total interest you have earned from your deployed funds.

Chart 1: Weighted Average Rate of Interest

  • Chart Type: Bar Chart

  • Description: This chart displays the weighted average interest rate of the loans in your portfolio. The x-axis represents the ROI range (in percentage), while the y-axis represents the deployed balance. The weighted average interest rate is also shown at the bottom of the chart.

Chart 2: Positions by Period (Days)

  • Chart Type: Bar Chart

  • Description: This chart categorizes your positions by their period of buy, showing the amount funded across different time frames.

Chart 3: Loan status

  • Chart Type: Donut Chart

  • Description: This chart shows the distribution of your claims by their statuses (Active, Delayed, Pending) and the percentage they occupy within that category.

Chart 4: Lenders

  • Chart Type: Donut Chart

  • Description: This chart illustrates the distribution of your claims among the various lenders on the platform.

Chart 5: Countries

  • Chart Type: Donut Chart

  • Description: This chart breaks down the distribution of your claims based on the country where the loan was issued.

Loan Details in Your Portfolio

  • Lender: The company or institution that issued the loan.

  • Interest: The annual interest rate offered on the loan.

  • Deployed Balance: The funds that you have allocated in the loan.

  • Deployment Date: The date on which you deployed funds in the loan.

  • Linked Wallet: Wallet used for deploying funds in the loan.

  • Remaining duration: Time left before a loan is fully repaid.

  • Loan Maturity Date: Date when the final payment on a loan is due.

  • Status: The status of the Claim (Active, Delayed, Pending).

  • Interest Income: The total interest earned on the loan to date.

  • For Sale: View loans currently available for sale on the secondary market. You can list your loans and set the price and interest rate at which you're willing to sell them.

Export to Excel Functionality

The "Export to Excel" button allows you to download your portfolio data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for further analysis, providing you with the tools to dive deeper into your portfolio performance.

Using the Portfolio Effectively

  • Regular Monitoring: Log in frequently to stay updated on your portfolio's performance and market trends.

  • Customization: Use the settings section to personalize your dashboard according to your goals.

  • Deeper Dives: Explore detailed breakdowns of each position to analyze individual performance and make informed decisions.

Please note that the specific functionalities and layout of your FU Capital Dashboard may vary slightly with future updates and platform developments. Always explore the dashboard and refer to any additional documentation provided by FU Capital for the most up-to-date information.

Last updated